
Pangaea and flat earth theory
Pangaea and flat earth theory

Demonstrating that the taxes and well balanced structure that Colorado has created in marijuana laws is something that the rest of the nation should look upon. In May of 2016, Colorado had sold $270 million dollars worth of Marijuana in three months of operation according to " ". However, The Denver Post and Ricardo Baca attempt to show the medical success and the importance of legalization. Many citizens of the United States hear the words marijuana and immediately stereotype it, believing it is bad and will ruin your life. The creation of the first 'pot Editor' opens up many more doors for individuals to have success in a field that is still yet to be explored. The movement that Ricardo Baca has created is a revolutionary idea that will continue to spread around major American newspapers as marijuana becomes legal in other states. While The Cannabist spreads joy of the legal abilities that Colorado allows its citizens to have, it also shows the powerful growth across the United States with articles related to New York City and other major cities. Now if you've actually read this far, you should probably be done with the internet for the day.

pangaea and flat earth theory

From the darkest depths of the internet, right to your door.ĥ0. It is my pleasure to bring you this wholesome content.Ĥ9. This is escalating really quickly, dude.Ģ6.These are perfectly reasonable claims. This is catchy and sounds true most likely. Thank you for telling me that's a graphic illustration because I totally would have thought it was a real picture.Ģ4. Globes are atheism and the occult and paganism and also Illuminati.Ģ3.

pangaea and flat earth theory

The Sun is not 93,000,000 miles away, it's right here next to this airplane.ġ9.

pangaea and flat earth theory

They're called airPLANES, not airGLOBES.ġ1. Why don't satellites cross in front of the moon?ġ0. You don't want Them knowing you've discovered the truth. You might want to delete your browser history after reading this.

Pangaea and flat earth theory